Recently a friend of mine posted a reply to a comment of mine of Facebook.
I admire you Andy. Always have. Of all the geeks I know – which is – in my world a compliment of the highest order – you stand out. You are – I believe – one of natures do-ers and the sort of person about whom my dear old dad would have said ‘be like that’.
Once I had finished blushing I started thinking about why I am a do-er and why so many other people seem not to be. I think it boils down to the idea that “The perfect is the enemy of the good” or “done is better than perfect”, a couple of quotes I often find myself repeating.
The idea of these quotes is fairly simple, that its often better to have done something that is imperfect that not done anything at all, and while if you are a brain surgeon this might not be an option, for a nerd like me it certainly is.